"I'm roughly the size of a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!"
That's the belly these days - growing ever bigger. Baby girl is still right on track and doing great. I'm the most boring OB patient ever. Everything is always right where it should be measurements-wise and I never have any complaints or concerns. Which is exactly how we want it.
So clearly Baby Girl is growing a whole lot. There's been some other big changes here as well. We've taken EVERY BLESSSED THING out of the nursery and created a home office space in our sunroom (which I'm not allowed to show you, because my adorable husband is really excited to have my mom see the house looking so different next time she comes down; he doesn't want me to ruin the surprise by posting pictures). We've primed the nursery and are going tonight to get some of those nifty little sample size paints to try out a couple of colors on the wall. The installer comes tomorrow to get official measurements for our new carpet which should be going in soon after. Jamie is apparently nesting, because in the last few weeks he's begun a major overhaul of our frontyard, a project that in my opinion could most definitely wait until after the baby's here. But I'm not going to stop him! If you come to visit this fall and see a very torn up lawn, you'll know it's because the little one arrived before his projects could be completed. We've also acquired a new pet. I call him Louie:
Neither of us is too freaked out by snakes and this kind is rather harmless, so we let him live. Plus, we're hoping he'll keep mice away and maybe also deter mama birds and bunnies from building their homes in our lawn. I much prefer seeing a snake in my yard from time to time than constantly having to rescue baby animals from Kona.
One last big news item: Baby Girl finally has a real name! I thought we might never decide, but we finally did! And now you just have to wait 10 more weeks to find out what it is :)
Yay! Finally so good to hear from/about you! Inquiring Jersey minds wanted to know! :-) I think you popped when you were here in May, and you've grown since then! I was also the most boring OB patient too; this is a VERY good thing! Don't forget to post pictures of the rooms two seconds after Mom sees them! And, finally, that's an Eastern King Snake. I know this because we also have one. I, however, am not so nonchalant about it because I HATE snakes! Shudder! Shiver! Ugh! I LOVE you, though!
Aunt Linda :-)
Cute belly! :-) Can't wait to see the house!!
Remember that time we found that snake in Tallulah Gorge hiking? We took all kinds of fun pictures of us pretending to eat him and whatnot. Then when we got back to the little museum place we realized that it was a copperhead snake? That's one of my favorite snake memories.
I was thinking of that too Joel!!!!
Tara can we guess names? We need clues!!! I already have some guesses:)
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