Anyway, even when fall does come (as it's been trying to do in the last few days), it happens a little differently. First off, the trees start to change before the weather does. It's an odd thing to me. The temperature outside is telling me it's summer, but the foliage says it's autumn. Secondly, fall sneaks in during the night and then goes back into hiding as the sun rises. It's not unusual for morning temperatures to dip well into the 50's. But by lunchtime, it's a sweltering 85 again. Layers become a girl's best friend (unless a girl happens to work in an office with three men who consider an arctic environment perfect working conditions; then said girl is dressing in sweaters year round anyway).
Last week on my way to work I heard a DJ announce that we would be having perfect football weather that weekend - sunny and 85. Sunny and 85? That's perfect for football? When I think "football" I also always think "cold". Maybe some flurries. And ok, I know, the football season has started in New Jersey now, too and it's still warm there. But before too long every athlete in the northeast from pee wee up to pro will be wearing layers under and over their uniform. Fall sports are supposed to be played in the cold. In college, we played two games in Kentucky one year. It was raining and 40 degrees the whole time. And I loved it.
Next month the trick-or-treaters will be out (some of them anyway; Halloween's not so popular here in the Bible belt. Last year Jamie and I bought a bunch of candy and had exactly 0 visitors. I purposely bought candy we don't like to keep us from eating it all. I think we still have it). I remember having to plan Halloween costumes that allowed for warm clothing to be layered underneath. Around here, kids can just wear the fairy costume leotard without a sweatshirt stuffed underneath.
I can't say my new state of residence is better or worse than my home state, but I can say it's definitely different.
Here's a fine example of Jamie's and my inability to leave our home states behind: this was last December, we'd just